08 9293 2926
Kalamunda Antiques & Collectables,
Shop 2 Central Mall
Kalamunda, 6076
Western Australia
While most companies are shifting their manufacturing away from Australia, Urban Composter has done the opposite. After manufacturing in China for many years, in 2016 Urban Composter Australia decided to ship the tooling to Sydney and started making Urban Composters in a factory in Wetherill Park, Sydney, Australia
In answer to the question Why go to the expense of shifting production to Australia?
“By manufacturing in Australia we have more control over quality, production time is quicker, there is greater flexibility with the size of the production run and the finished product is just as good if not better. Our carbon footprint is reduced by minimal transport of the products. Plus as a small family company we are doing our bit to help our fellow Australians keep their jobs and take pride in producing a product which not only sells really well in Australia but is now being exported around the world”
The Urban Composter was designed by Luke Gregory who was born and raised in Sydney and completed an Industrial Design Degree at UTS (University of Technology Sydney)
Luke was promoted to solve the problem of how to turn your kitchen scraps into compost without resorting to an “ugly bucket” in the kitchen. He created the Urban Composter to not only look good but utilize the Bokashi system of composting which is a much more effective and a vastly quicker method of turning all kitchen scraps into compost. The Urban Composter works with a compost accelerator which is also Australian made and 100% organic.
In 2019 the shift was made to manufacturing using recycled plastic. This has been greatly received by customers and environmental warriors. Even the bottles for our Compost Accelerator are made from recycled material.
The Urban Composter range sells successfully throughout Australia and is being exported to France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, UK and USA.
Innovative design features ensure that the 15 litre capacity of the Urban Composter can be fully utilized. The Urban Composter is 29cm in diameter, 40cm high, comes with a choice of 5 different coloured lids and retails for $59. There is also a smaller City composter with a capacity of 7.5 litres, 23cm in diameter and 26cm high. The City Composter retails for $49. The 500ml bottle of compost accelerator will last for around 3 months and retails for $13. Refill bottles with a 500ml or 1 litre capacity are also available